Forever Cumberland, and our four stations broadcast from this year’s Meyersdale, Salisbury, Berlin Relay for life. This year’s event raised thousands of dollars for cancer research. Rhonda Keefer was on the air live from 10 to noon from Salisbury Elk Lick High School.

Forever Cumberland, and our four stations broadcast from this year’s Hooley Plunge. This year’s event raised over $174,000 for Special Olympics of Western Maryland. Plungers ventured into the chilling waters of Lake Habeeb while supporters pledged money to Benefit Special Olympics and other related causes. Jim Van was on the air live from 10 to…

Big Froggy 105.3 Broadcast from The Deep Creek Dunk for the benefit of Special Olympics. Rhonda Keefer was on site from ten am to Noon at this years event which raised several thousand dollars for the cause. Those involved took a cold swim in Deep Creek Lake, while money was pledged based on their participation.

Forever Cumberland Supports Stuff The Truck – December 8th
December 12, 202210:17 am Forever Cumberland conducted our 20th annual Stuff The Truck promotion in partnership with Toys For Happiness collecting an 18 wheeler full of toys for area children at Christmas. This year we collected over 11 skids of toys and over Seven Thousand Five Hundred dollars in cash. This event was created here…

Forever Cumberland Supports Cram a Van – December 6th
Forever Cumberland broadcast live on location from Noon to 2pm to support Cram A Van On December 6. Afternoon personality Cricket broadcast from 10 to noon on Big Froggy 105.3. The event runs from 7am to 7pm and is sponsored by the Salisbury-Elk Lick Education Association. Cram-A-Van encourages donations of new unwrapped toys.

Forever Cumberland Supports Making Strides – October 7th
The Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Event took place at Allegany College of Maryland, and Forever Cumberland was there to help. This years event raised tens of thousands of dollars to help further the mission to save lives, celebrate lives, and lead the fight for a world without breast cancer. Forever Cumberland’s Jim Van broadcast…

Forever Cumberland Supports Relay For Life – May 29th
Forever Cumberland Broadcast from the Garrett County Relay for Life from 1pm to 3pm. This event took place at the Garrett County Fairgrounds for the benefit of Cancer research features several different components such as the opening ceremony, survivor and caregiver recognition, lightning the luminaria, and the closing ceremony.

Forever Cumberland Supports The Hooley Plunge – March 4th
In its nineteenth year, the Hooley Plunge has become the largest single-day fundraising event in Allegany County. All of our Forever Cumberland Stations broadcast from this years event Saturday, March 4, where hundreds of brave souls ran into the cold waters of Lake Habeeb at Rocky Gap State Park to raise money for local programs…

Forever Cumberland Supports Stuff The Truck – December 9th
Forever Cumberland conducted our 19th annual Stuff The Truck promotion in partnership with Toys For Happiness collecting an 18 wheeler full of toys for area children at Christmas. This year we collected over 20 skids of toys and over six thousand dollars in cash. This event has become the largest fundraiser of the year for…

Forever Cumberland Supports Cram a Van – December 1st
Forever Cumberland broadcast live on location from Noon to 2pm to support Cram A Van On December 2. Afternoon personality Cricket broadcast from 10 to noon on Big Froggy 105.3. The event runs from 7am to 7pm and is sponsored by the Salisbury-Elk Lick Education Association. Cram-A-Van encourages donations of new unwrapped toys.